
What is a Buyer Behaviour?

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Marketing professionals need to understand why people buy the things they do, and how do they arrive at a final decision of buying a certain product from among many at a certain place (retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, ecommerce, etc.). In order to understand consumer preferences one needs to understand the elements that drive consumer behaviour in the buying process.

Buyer Behaviour is concerned with decision making process of consumers and organisations that purchase products for personal use, or adding value to the product before selling to the final consumer.

Buyers can be final Consumers as well as Industrial buyers.

Consumersare people and households who buy products to satisfy personal needs and wants.


Industrial buyers / Organisational buyers are intermediate users who buy products to add value to it before it is bought or consumed by final Consumers.

Consumer buying behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of individuals or households who buy products for their own consumption.

In the decision making process the buyer is influenced by many factors for making the purchase. These could be his product need, financial capacity, influence of the family members and friends, effective salesmanship, brand value, etc. This entire process of arriving at a final decision to buy a product encompasses the Buyer Behaviour. Thus the Consumer Buying Behaviour includes physical as well as mental activities in buying and using a product.


A consumer may want to buy a certain product, but he may opt for something else either because of a recommendation of a friend or a past experience of a different product from the same manufacturer. We can say that the buying behaviour is influenced by the cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors.

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